Douglas Stuart SHEPPARDContact detailsAddress: c/- Geochemical Solutions P O Box 33 224, Petone New Zealand Telephones: +64 4 565 1121 +64 21 113 5565 (mobile) Fax: +64 4 565 1179 E-mail: d.sheppard@xtra.co.nz EDUCATION:Basic Education: 8 years of Primary Schooling 5 years of Secondary Schooling, qualifying for New Zealand School Certificate, Higher School Certificate, University Entrance and University B Bursary. University Qualifications:BSc: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 1973 MSc(hons). 2nd class, 1st Division: Victoria University of Wellington, N.Z. 1974 Thesis topic: Potassium Argon dating studies on South-East Nelson Schists. PhD. University of Otago, New Zealand 1977 Thesis Topic: Hydrothermal Chemistry of some Silicates. Courses Attended:Mineral-Fluid Equilibria in Hydrothermal Systems, American Society of Economic Geologists Indianapolis. 1983. From Assessment to Remediation: Bridging the Gap Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences and Groundwater Technology Incorporated, Wairakei, 1994. Hazardous Waste Operations/Emergency Response 40 Hour Course Certification. SAFETECH, Santa Clara, California. 1995. Site Assessment and Remediation 1: Assessment University of California Berkeley Environmental Management Department, San Francisco. 1995. Monitoring Wells: Siting, Constructing and Decommissioning University of California Davis, Davis, California, 1995. DNAPL Site Diagnosis and Remediation University Consortium Solvents-in-Groundwater Research Program, San Francisco, California. 1995. Principles of Ground Water - Flow, Transport, and Remediation National Ground Water Association, Denver, Colorado, 1995. Technologies for Intrinsic and Semi-Passive In Situ Remediation of Groundwater, University of Waterloo, Kitchener, Ontario,1997. Certificate of Company Direction NZ Institute of Directors, Wellington, N Z, 1999. APPOINTMENTS AND MEMBERSHIPS:
BUSINESS INTERESTS AND EXPERIENCE:Director of two small companies; Indispac South Pacific Ltd, now mostly concerned with hazardous chemical disposal from laboratories and Ceilidh Ltd, trading as Geochemical Solutions, which is a consulting and contract research company. Partner in business importing and selling coffee. TEACHING EXPERIENCE:
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:1999 - Self employed research and consulting geochemist. 1998 - 1999: Scientist, Resources Group, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
1996 � 1998 Environmental Sector Marketing Manager, Marketing Group, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
1992 - 1996 Programme leader and Scientist, Environmental Geochemistry/Earth Chemistry, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
1990 - 1992: Scientist, Environmental and Physical Chemistry Section, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Chemistry, Petone, New Zealand.
1988 - 1990: Section Leader, Environmental Chemistry Section, Chemistry Division,.D.S.I.R, Petone, New Zealand.
1977 - 1988: Scientist, Chemistry Division, D.S.I.R, Petone, New Zealand.
1974 - 1977: Teaching Fellow, Chemistry Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. SIGNIFICANT OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENTS:1981 Seconded to Geothermal Energy (NZ) Ltd, to assist in the assessment of the Terceira geothermal prospect, Azores. 2 Months. 1983 Study leave at U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, to upgrade analytical facilities and to undertake field sampling in the Lassen, Yellowstone, Long Valley and Makushin Geothermal fields. 6 Months. 1985 Seconded to Geothermal Energy (NZ) Ltd, to lead a team of Indonesian geologists in the geochemical and topographic exploration of the Darajat Geothermal Prospect, West Java. Client: AMOSEAS Indonesia. 2 Months. 1987 C.N.R.S./C.F.R, Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France. Sponsored by the French Government to study methods of Volcanic Plume monitoring. With Prof. G. Lambert. 3 months. 1987 Expedition leader, Event K092, Scott Base, Antarctica. "Mercury in Antarctic Snow, Reconnaissance." 1988 Study leave at U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, to work on geothermal problems at the Lassen and Geysers geothermal systems, and study systems of remote chemical monitoring on volcanoes. 1988 Expedition leader, Event K092, Antarctic Plateau. "Mercury in Antarctic Snow." 1989 Expedition Leader, Event K092, Mt Erebus, Antarctica. "Volcanic Plume Composition". 1992 Expedition Leader, Event K091, Ross Island and Wright Valley, Antarctica. "Contamination Studies on Soils and Waters in the Ross Dependency, Antarctica". 1994 Expedition Leader, Event K105, Ross Island and Wright Valley, Antarctica. "Contamination Studies on Soils and Waters in the Ross Dependency, Antarctica". 1998 Led 3 week international expedition to Antarctica, investigating the geochemical processes involving salts in very of soils. 1998 Two week assignment for IAEA to Sri Lanka,
to advise on research projects on the theme Access to Clean Drinking Water
Antarctic research, particularly into geochemical cycling of trace constituents in the Antarctic environment. Investigating sources, sinks and processes involving such constituents, including pollutants, and historical records as included in the soils and ice. Contaminated Sites: Investigations into the geochemistry of heavy metals in natural waterways and estuaries, using a volcanically contaminated river as an analogue of industrially polluted systems. Applications of inorganic analytical chemistry techniques, to these problems, and environmental chemistry, of waters. Geochemical mapping, particularly in relation to the effects of landuse on soils and processes in soils which can be determined from geochemical mapping. LANGUAGE CAPABILITIES:Native Language : English. Excellent reading, writing and spoken abilities. Other Languages : French. Poor reading ability, speaking and writing ability. PUBLICATIONS:Theses:Sheppard, D.S. 1974. Potassium Argon Studies on the Southeast Nelson Schists: MSc Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, N.Z. 64pp. Sheppard, D.S. 1977. Hydrothermal Chemistry of some silicates. PhD Thesis. University of Otago, N.Z. 179pp Refereed Journals:Sheppard, D.S., Adams, C.J. and Bird, G. 1975. Age of metamorphism and uplift in the Alpine Schist Belt, New Zealand. Geol. Sci. Am. Bull. 86 1147-1153. Torgeson, T., Lupton, J.E., Sheppard, D.S. and Giggenbach, W.F. 1982. Helium isotope variations in the thermal areas of New Zealand. J.Volc. Geoth. Res. 12 283-298. Sheppard, D.S. and Lyon, G.L. 1984. Geothermal fluid chemistry of the Orakeikorako field, New Zealand. J. Volc. Geoth. Res. 22 329-349. Sheppard, D.S. and Truesdell, A.H. 1985. A GC system for the analysis of residual geothermal gases. Chromatographia 11 681-682. Robinson, B.W. and Sheppard, D.S. 1986. A chemical and isotopic study of the Tokaanu-Waihi geothermal area, New Zealand. J. Volc. Geoth. Res. 27 135-151. Sheppard, D.S. 1986. Fluid chemistry of the Waimangu geothermal system. Geothermics 15 309-328. Dick, A.L., Sheppard, D.S. and Patterson, J.E. 1990 Mercury in Antarctic Snow: initial results. Atmos. Environ. 24A 973-978. Sheppard, D.S., Patterson, J.E. and McAdam, M.K. 1991. Mercury in Antarctic snow: further results. Atmos. Environ. 25 1657-1660. Le Cloarec, M.F., Allard, P., Ardouin, B., Giggenbach, W.F. and Sheppard, D.S. 1992. Radioisotope and trace metal emissions from White Island Volcano, New Zealand. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 108 19-28. Sheppard, D.S., Truesdell, A.H. and Janik, C.J. 1992. Geothermal gas compositions in Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A. J. Geotherm. Volc. Res. 51 79-93. Sheppard, D.S., Janik, C.J., and Keith, T.E.C. 1992. A comparison of current and historic fumarole gas chemistry, Katmai area, Alaska. J. Geotherm. Volc. Res. 53 185-197. Giggenbach, W.F., Sheppard, D.S., Robinson, B.W., Stewart, M.K. and Lyon, G.L. 1995. Geochemical structure and position of the Waiotapu geothermal field, New Zealand. Geothermics 23 599-644. Deely, J.M. and Sheppard, D.S. 1996 Whangaehu River, New Zealand: geochemistry of a river discharging from an active crater lake. Applied Geochem. 11 447-460 Sheppard, D.S., Deely, J.M. and Edgerley, W.H. (1997) Heavy metal contents of meltwaters from the Ross Dependency, Antarctica. N Z J Marine and Freshwater Res. 31 313-325 Claridge, G.G.C., Campbell, I.B. and Sheppard, D.S. (in press) Carbon pools in Antarctica and their significance for global climate change. Advances in Soil Science Sheppard, D.S., Claridge, G.G.C. and Campbell, I.B. (2000) Metal contamination of soils at Scott Base, Antarctica. Appl. Geochem. 15 513-530. Invited Papers:Henley, R.W. and Sheppard, D.S. 1977. Hydrothermal activity and hydrothermal chemistry in the metamorphic environment. in "Geochemistry 1977" A.J. Ellis, ed. N.Z.D.S.I.R. Bull. 218. Sheppard, D.S. and Lyon, G.L. 1981. The chemistry of Ngawha geothermal discharges. N.Z.D.S.I.R. Geothermal Report No.7. Sheppard, D.S. and Giggenbach, W.F. 1985. Ngawha well fluid compositions. N.Z. D.S.I.R. Geothermal Report No.8, 103-119. Seward, T.M. and Sheppard, D.S. 1985. Waimangu geothermal field. in: Henley, R.W. et al, Eds.: Guide to the Active Epithermal (Geothermal) Systems and Precious Metal Deposits of New Zealand. Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Official Publication No.26, 81-91. Gebr�der Borntraeger, Berlin. Sheppard, D.S. 1985. Ngawha geothermal field. ibid. 185-192. Giggenbach, W.F. and Sheppard, D.S. 1989. Variations in the temperature and chemistry of White Island fumarole discharges 1972-85. in The 1976-82 eruption sequence at White Island volcano (Whakaari), Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. B.F. Houghton and I.A. Nairn (Eds). N.Z. Geological Survey Bull. 103, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Sheppard, D.S., Le Guern, F., and Christenson, B.W. 1994. Compositions and mass fluxes of the Mt. Erebus volcanic plume. in: Volcanological Studies of Mount Erebus, Antarctica. Antarctic Research Series Volume, American Geophysical Union. P.R. Kyle, Editor. 83 - 96. Aggarwal, J., Sheppard, D.S. and Robinson, B.W. 1998. Analytical developments in the measurements of boron, nitrate, phosphate and sulphate isotopes and case examples of discrimination of nitrogen and sulphur sources in pollution studies. Application of Isotope Techniques to Investigate Groundwater Pollution. IAEA, Vienna. IAEA-TECDOC-1046. Conference Proceedings:Sheppard, D.S. and Lyon, G.L. 1979. Tikitere field geochemistry. Proc. N.Z. Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland. 62-67. Sheppard, D.S. and Giggenbach, W.F. 1980. Ngawha well discharges. Proc. N.Z. Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland. 91-96. Sheppard, D.S. 1985. Fluid chemistry of the Ngawha reservoir. Proc. 6th N.Z. Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland. 151-154. Sheppard, D.S. 1987. Geochemistry and the exploration of the Ngawha Geothermal System, New Zealand. Proc., 12th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Univ., California. 261-266. Dick, A.L., Orange, C.J., Sheppard, D.S. and Patterson, J.E. 1988. Ultratrace determination of mercury in air, water and snow using photoacoustic mercury analysis. in: Trace Elements in New Zealand: Environmental, Human and Animal. Proc. New Zealand Trace Elements Group Conference, Lincoln College, Canterbury. 255-262. Sheppard, D.S., Orange, C.J., Faivre-Pierret, R.X. & Le Guern, F. 1990. Soil gas surveys: a cheaper alternative to geophysical surveys: results from three Taupo Volcanic Zone fields. Proc. 12th N.Z. Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland. Deely, J. M. and Sheppard, D.S. 1992. Heavy metals in the Whangaehu River: an example of a naturally polluted river system. Proceedings of the New Zealand Trace Elements Group Conference, 10-12 August 1992. Massey University, Palmerston North. 41-51. Vickridge, I.C., Sheppard, D.S. and Tulloch, A.J. 1994. A novel method for boron determination in rock thin sections: first results from Ngawha. Proc. 16th Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland. 115-119. Sheppard, D.S., Vickridge, I.C., Reyes, A.G., and Tulloch, A.J. 1995. Tracing boron in rocks and waters Proc. 8th Intl. Symp. Rock Water Interaction, Vladivostok, August 1995. Balkema, Rotterdam 109-112. Sheppard, D.S., and Deely, J.M. 1995. The effect of drainage of an active volcanic crater lake into a river system. Proc. 8th Intl. Symp. Rock Water Interaction, Vladivostok, August 1995. Balkema, Rotterdam 323 - 326. Sheppard, D.S., Aggarwal, J.K. and K.M. Rogers. 1998. Nitrate � problems with isotopic tracing. Proc. National Workshop "Issues in Aquifer Protection", Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Lincoln, New Zealand, 25-26 March 1998. T.H.Webb (ed). pp 101-104. Cussins, T., O�Halloran, K., Lilburne, L., Cochrane, P., Hickey, C., Sheppard, D., Gough, Wickstrom, M. and C. Eason. 1999. Ecological risk assessment at contaminated sites in New Zealand. Conference Proceedings, Waste Management Institute (NZ) Inc., Queenstown, November 1999 92-99. Sheppard, D.S., Campbell, I.B. and G.G. Claridge 1999 Saline solutions in Antarctic soils. Abstract U42B-08 Eos, Transactions, 80, 46, Nov 16 1999 (F37) Rosen, M.R., Sheppard, D.S., Roberts, K., Viljevac, Z., Smaill, A., and Reeves,R., 2000, Effect of storm water infiltration on the chemical composition of a fractured rock aquifer in Auckland. New Zealand Water and Waste Association Stormwater Conference and Workshop Proceedings, 12-14 April 2000.
Reports/Contracted Research:Sheppard, D.S. 1981. Geothermal Prospection - Ilha Terceira, Acores: Geochemical Report, July 1981. Geothermal Energy (NZ) Ltd. Sheppard, D.S. 1982. Ng9 discharge test, July to November 1981: Chemical and isotopic results. CD Technical Note, Jan 1982. Sheppard, D.S. and Johnston, J.R. 1984. Ngawha Hot Springs; results of a chemical monitoring programme. N.Z. D.S.I.R. C.D. Report No.2341. Sheppard, D.S. and Giggenbach, W.F. 1985. Methods for the analysis of geothermal and volcanic waters and gases. N.Z. D.S.I.R. C.D. Report No. 2364. Sheppard, D.S., Giggenbach, W.F. and Johnston, J.R. 1985. A listing of chemical and isotopic analyses on waters and gases from the Ngawha geothermal system and environs. N.Z.D.S.I.R. C.D. Report 2359. Motyka, R.J., Queen, L.D., Janik, C.J., Sheppard, D.S., Poreda, R.J. and Liss, S.A. 1985. Fluid geochemistry and fluid-mineral equilibria in test wells and thermal gradient holes at the Makushin Geothermal Area, Unalaska Island, Alaska. Report to the Alaska Power Authority, RSA #RSO8-8227, July 1985. Sheppard, D.S. 1986. Darajat Geochemical Survey. Darajat, Java, Indonesia. Final interpretative report. December 1986. Amoseas Indonesia Inc. Timperley, M.H. and Sheppard, D.S. 1986. Development of the Mokai Geothermal Field - physical and chemical impacts on the aquatic environment. N.Z. D.S.I.R. C.D. Technical Note No.86/7. Report to Gas and Geothermal Trading Group, Ministry of Energy. Timperley, M.H. and Sheppard, D.S. 1986. Exploitation of the Mokai Geothermal Field - impact on the aquatic environment: physical and chemical aspects. N.Z. D.S.I.R. C.D. Technical Note No. 86/6. Report to New Zealand Electricity Corporation, Ministry of Energy. Sheppard, D.S. and Orange, C.J. 1987. Investigation of removal of boron from drainage waters by absorption on magnesium hydroxide. in N.Z. D.S.I.R. C.D. Report No. EC8701., S.K. Fellows, ed., Water Treatment Studies - Huntly West Mine. Sheppard, D.S., Orange, C.J. and Humphries, W.A. 1988. Hot water inter-connections between Taupo Volcanic Zone Geothermal Systems defined by soil gas surveys. I: Initial surveys at Reporoa, Mokai and Tauhara. Chemistry Division DSIR Report Number 9010. Sheppard, D.S. and Dick, A.L. 1988. Event K092: Mercury in Snow in the Ross Dependency 1987/88. Reports 1 and 2. CD Report to Antarctic Division, January 1988. Sheppard, D.S., Patterson, J.E., Lyon, G.L. and McAdam, M.K. 1989. Immediate Scientific Report to Ross Dependency Research Committee: Event K092: Mercury in Antarctic Snow 1988/89. March 1989. Sheppard, D.S. and Fellows, S.K. 1990. The testing of Hydrogen sensors for fault zone gas and volcanic gas monitoring. Progress report, April 1990. Sheppard, D.S. and Fellows, S.K. 1991. The testing of hydrogen sensors for use in seismic precursory event detection. Progress Report, August 1991. Sheppard, D.S., Campbell, I.B., Claridge, G.G.C. and Deely, J.M. 1993. Report on the New Zealand Antarctic Programme Event K091 1992/93: Pollutant transport and monitoring in soils and meltwaters on Ross Island and Vanda Station. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report 93/9. 24pp. Sheppard, D.S., Campbell, I.B. and Claridge, G.G.C. 1993. Contamination of soils at Vanda Station: Priority samples. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Client Report, to New Zealand Antarctic Programme 93/81. 47pp. Sheppard, D.S., Campbell, I.B. and Claridge, G.G.C. 1994. Report on the New Zealand Antarctic Programme Event K105 1993/94: Pollutant transport and monitoring in soils and meltwaters on Ross Island and Victoria Land. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report 94/7. 15pp. Sheppard, D.S., Campbell, I.B., Claridge, G.G.C. and Deely, J.M. 1994. Contamination of soils about Vanda Station. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report 94/20. 140pp. Sheppard, D.S. 1995. Environmental impacts of discharge fluids. In: Kawerau Geothermal Field: Its Natural State and Response to Development. Chapter 6. GNS Client Report to Geothermal Trading Ltd. Sheppard, D.S. and Lyon, G.L. 1996. The usefulness of nitrate isotope measurements in groundwater contamination studies. GNS Client Report to Canterbury Regional Council. Aggarwal, J., Sheppard, D. and Van der Raaij, R. 1997. Analytical developments in the measurements of boron, nitrate and phosphate isotopes. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report, 97/34. Sheppard, D.S., X. Zhan, G. Rait and C. Chagu�-Goff. 1999 Leachate movement from unlined landfills in fractured rock. Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Science Report, 99/7. Non-refereed ArticlesSheppard, D.S. 2000. Rusting away. N.Z. Science Monthly. 11 6 � 7. Miscellaneous:Sheppard, D.S., 1984. Report on stay at U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, June to December 1983. N.Z. D.S.I.R. CD Report No.5656. Sheppard, D.S., 1987. Submission for the Standing Tribunal of the Bay of Plenty Catchment Commission, Friday 20 November, 1987. Sheppard, D.S. 1992. Submission to the Waitangi Tribunal on behalf of the N.Z. Crown Law Office on the Ngawha Geothermal System. December 1992. 12 pages. |
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