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Kathryn O'Halloran

Environmental Toxicologist

Tertiary qualifications

  • B.Sc. (1st Class Hons), University of Western Australia (pharmacology and toxicology)
  • Ph.D., RMIT-University, Melbourne, Australia (environmental toxicology)

Membership of societies:

  • Australasian Society for Ecotoxicology (ASE)
  • Eurotox
  • Forest and Bird
  • New Zealand Society for Risk Management
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)

Present research/professional speciality:

  • Improving the understanding and management of hazardous contaminants in the environment. 
  • Bridging the gap between the science and the policy for contaminated sites and hazardous waste management. 
  • Enhancing the profile and application of effects-based tests to better evaluate ecosystem health. 
  • Skills are in aquatic immunotoxicity, invertebrate biochemistry, terrestrial ecotoxicology and environmental risk assessment.


  • O'Halloran, K. (2006) Toxicological considerations of contaminants in terrestrial environment for ecological rsik assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (in press).
  • Harford A.J., O�Halloran K., Wright P.F.A. (2006) Flow cytometric analysis and optimisation for measuring phagocytosis in three Australian freshwater fish. Fish and Shellfish Immunology (in press).


  • Harford A.J., O�Halloran K., Wright P.F.A. (2005) The effects of in vitro pesticide exposures on the phagocytic function of four native Australian freshwater fish. Aquatic Toxicology (in press).
  • van den Heuvel M.R., O�Halloran K., Ellis R.J., Ling N., Harris M.L. (2005) Measures of resting immune function and related physiology in juvenile rainbow trout exposed to a pulp mill effluent. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48: 520-529.
  • O�Halloran K, Jones D, Booth L., Fisher P. (2005) Ecotoxicity of sodium fluoroacetate (compound 1080) to soil organisms. Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology 24: 1211-1218.
  • Booth L.H., Heppelthwaite V.J., O�Halloran K. (2005) Utilisation of effects-based assays in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa for evaluation of contaminated sites before and after remediation. Journal of Soils and Sediments 5: 87-94.
  • Fraser D.S., O�Halloran, K., van den Heuvel M., Wang H., Palmer G.T., Farrell R.L. (2005) Toxicology og pulp and paper solid wastes � preliminary results. In: Proceedings of the Technical Session No. 25: Small Scale and On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems, March 7-9, Whangamata, New Zealand, pp 115-121.


  • O�Halloran, K, Jones D, Booth, L., Fisher P. (2004) The ecotoxicity of 1080 to soil organisms. Kararehe Kino 5:3-4..
  • Booth, L.H., O�Halloran, K. (2004) Biosolids application to land � what effects are they having on our soil invertebrates? Water and Wastes in New Zealand 137:18-19.
  • Wright P.F.A., Harford A., O�Halloran K. (2004) Immunomodulation of head kidney cell functions in Murray cod by microcystin-LR. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 197: 284.
  • O�Halloran, K., Booth, LH (2004) Ecotoxicity testing forthe land application of biosolids. In: Wang, H and Lavery J (eds) Proceedings for the 2004 New Zealand Land Treatment Collective Annual Conference: Water, Waste and Land Treatment for Primary Industry and Rural Areas, March 24-26, Ashburton, New Zealand, pp 4-10.


  • Cavanagh J.E., O�Halloran, K. (2003) Investigation of organochlorine contamination in mud snails (Amphibola sp.) and sediment collected from mudflats adjacent to the Fruit Chemical Company (FCC) Site at Mapua � summary of results, 7p.
  • Trumm, D.A., Black, A., Cavanagh, J., Harding, J., de Joux, A., Moore, T.A., O�Halloran, K. (2003) Developing assessment methods and remediation protocols for New Zealand sites impacted by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). Conference proceedings for the 6th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage 12-18 July 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, pp. 223-232.


  • O�Halloran K., Booth L.H. (2002) Terrestrial toxicity tests for soil fauna and flora. Chapter 4 in: Environmental Protection and Risk Assessment of Organic Contaminants. Kookana R., Sadler R., Sethunathan N. and Naidu R. (eds.) Science Publishers, Inc., New Delhi. Pp. 57-77.
  • Eason C., O�Halloran K. (2002) Biomarkers in toxicology versus ecological risk assessment. Toxicology 181-182: 517-521.
  • Van Erp S., Booth L.H., Gooneratne, R., O�Halloran K. (2002) Sub-lethal responses of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) to two organophosphorous insecticides. Environmental Toxicology 17:447-456.
  • Booth, L.H., Heppelthwaite, V.J., O�Halloran, K. (2002) Development of biomarkers in Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus rubellus for detecting exposure to benzo[a]pyrene. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2: 148-154.
  • O�Halloran K., Booth L.H. (2002) Terrestrial toxicity tests for soil fauna and flora. Chapter 4 in: Environmental Protection and Risk Assessment of Organic Contaminants. Kookana R., Sadler R., Sethunathan N. and Naidu R. (eds.) Science Publishers, Inc., New Delhi. Pp. 57-77.
  • Cavanagh J.E., O�Halloran, K. (2002) Overview of international soil criteria and derivation of numeric values. Conference proceedings for the 14th annual WASTMINZ conference, Nov 6-8 2002, Rotorua, New Zealand. 12p.


  • Booth L., O�Halloran K. (2001) A comparison of biomarker responses in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa to the organophosphorous insecticides diazinon and chlorpyrifos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20: 2494-2502.
  • Booth L., Hodge S., O�Halloran K. (2001) The use of biomarkers in earthworms to detect use and abuse of field applications of a model organophosphate pesticide. Bulletin of Environmental Toxicology and Contamination 67:633-640.
  • Booth L.H., Heppelthwaite, V., Webster, R., O�Halloran, K. (2001) Lysosomal neutral red retention time as a biomarker of organophosphate exposure in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa: laboratory and semi-field experiments Biomarkers 6: 77-82.


  • Tremblay, L.A., O�Halloran, K., Eason, C.T. (2000) Christchurch conference on biomarkers in ecotoxicology: The use of biological tools for ecological risk assessment and environmental policy. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 6:1�2.
  • Booth, L., Heppelthwaite, V., O=Halloran, K. (2000) Growth, development and fecundity of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa after exposure to two organophosphates. New Zealand Plant Protection 53: 221-225.
  • Hodge S.; Longley M.; Booth L.H., Heppelthwaite V., O'Halloran K. (2000) An evaluation of glutathione S-transferase activity in the Tasmanian lacewing (Micromus tasmaniae) as a biomarker of organophosphate contamination. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65: 8-15.
  • Hodge S., Webster K., Booth L., Heppelthwaite V., O�Halloran K. (2000) Non-avoidance of organophosphate insecticides by the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (lumbricidae). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32:425-428.
  • Booth L.H., Hodge S., O�Halloran K. (2000) The use of enzyme biomarkers in Aporrectodea caliginosa (Oligochaeta; Lumbricidae) to detect organophosphate contamination: A comparison of laboratory tests, mesocosms and field studies. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19:417-422.
  • Hodge S., Longley M., Booth L., Heppelthwaite V., O�Halloran K. (2000) Cholinesterase activity in the Tasmanian lacewing (Micromus tasmaniae) as a biomarker of organophosphate contamination. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 6:109-116.
  • O�Halloran K. (2000) The role of ecotoxicology in waste management and hazardous substances. In: Conference proceedings for the 12th annual WASTMINZ conference, Nov 1-3 2000, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 220-227.
  • O�Halloran K., Booth L.H. (2000) Ecotoxicity of Copper, Chromium and Arsenic to soil flora and fauna. In: Contaminated Site Remediation: from source zones to ecosystems: Proceedings of the 2000 Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, Dec 4-8 2000, Melbourne, Australia, (ed. C.D. Johnston) pp. 73-80.
  • Cussins T., O�Halloran K., Lilburne L. , Cochrane P. , Hickey C. , Sheppard D. , Gough J. , Wickstrom M., Eason, C., Phillips, C. (2000) Ecological risk assessment at contaminated sites in New Zealand. In: Contaminated Site Remediation: from source zones to ecosystems : Proceedings of the 2000 Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, Dec 4-8 2000, Melbourne, Australia, (ed. C.D. Johnston) pp. 17-24.

pre 2000

  • O'Halloran K., Booth L.H., Hodge S., Thomsen S., Wratten S.D. (1999) Biomarker responses of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa to organophophates: Hierarchical tests. Pedobiologia 43: 646-651.
  • O�Halloran K., Booth L.H., Hodge S., Thomsen S., Wratten S.D. (1999) Biomarker responses of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa to organophophates: Hierarchical tests. Pedobiologia 43: 646-651.
  • Eason C., Svendsen C., O�Halloran K., Weeks J.M. (1999) An assessment of the lysosomal neutral red retention test and immune function assay in earthworms (Eisenia andrei) following exposure to chlorpyrifos, benzo-a-pyrene (BaP) and contaminated soil. Pedobiologica 43: 641-645.
  • O�Halloran K. , Booth L.H., Ataria J. (1999) Tests to determine biological impacts at contaminated sites. In: Proceedings for the 2nd International Conference on Contaminants in Soil Environment in the Australia-Pacific Region, Dec 12-17 1999, New Delhi, India, pp 186-187.
  • O�Halloran K. , Booth L.H. , Lloyd-Jones A. Rh. , Eason C. T. , Weeks J. M. (1999) Capability for terrestrial ecotoxicity testing in New Zealand. In: Conference proceedings for the 11th annual WASTMINZ conference, Nov 3-5 1999, Queenstown, pp 322-324.
  • Cussins T. , O�Halloran K , Lilburne L. , Cochrane P. , Hickey C. , Sheppard D. , Gough J. , Wickstrom M.., Eason, C. (1999) Ecological risk assessment at contaminated sites in New Zealand.In: Conference proceedings for the 11th annual WASTMINZ conference, Nov 3-5 1999, Queenstown, pp 92-99.
  • Tremblay, L., O�Halloran, K., Van der Kraak, G., Eason, C. (1999) The development and use of biological assays to assess environmental health in New Zealand. In: Conference proceedings of th Environmental Indicators Symposium, University of Otago, Dunedin, March 23 - 24, Dickinson, H.A. & Kearsley, G.W. (eds). pp 93-94.
  • Eason C., Svendsen C., O�Halloran K., Weeks J.M. (1999) The earthworm lysosomal assay: a novel endpoint for monitoring remediation at contaminated sites. In: Contaminated Site Remediation: Challenges posed by urban and industrial contaminants: Proceedings of the 1999 Contaminated Site Remediation Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, March 21-25, 1999. Johnston, C.D. (ed) Centre for Groundwater Studies, pp.197-204.
  • O�Halloran K., Ahokas J.T., Wright P.F.A. (1998) Response of fish immune cells to in vitro organotin exposures. Aquatic Toxicology 40:141-156.
  • O�Halloran K., Ahokas J.T., Wright P.F.A. (1998) The adverse effects of aquatic contaminants on fish immune responses. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 4:9-28.
  • Wickstrom M., Ataria J., O�Halloran K., Eason C.T. (1998) Development of antidotes for improved treatment of 1080 toxicosis. Landcare Research Contract Report. Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd. 18 p.
  • Eason C., O�Halloran K. (1998) Mechanistic toxicology and risk assessment end-points. In: Risk Assessment of Environmental End Points Proceedings of a workshop at University of Auckland, October 28-30. G.D. Lewis, N.G. Thom, J.E. Hay and K Sukhia (eds), pp 76-78.
  • O�Halloran K., Ahokas J.T., Wright P.F.A. (1997) Chapter 24: Immunotoxicity of organotin to fish species: a comparative in vitro exposure study. In: Zelikoff, J.T.; Lynch, J.M.; Shepers, J.(eds.) Ecotoxicology: Responses, Biomarkers and Risk Assessment. SOS Publications NJ, USA, pp. 351-369.
  • O'Halloran K (1996) Immunotoxicological responses of fish to environmental pollutants. Doctoral thesis, Key Centre for Applied and Fundamental Toxicology, RMIT-University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Barry M.J., O�Halloran K., Logan D., Ahokas J.T., Holdway D.A. (1995) Sublethal effects of esfenvalerate pulse-exposure on spawning and non-spawning Australian Crimson-Spotted Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 28: 459-463.
  • O'Halloran K., Spickett J.T. (1993) The interaction of lead and pregnancy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 6:35-39.
  • Munsch C.M., Rosenfeldt F.L., O'Halloran K, Langley L.H., Conyers R.A.J., Williams J.F. (1991) The effect of orotic acid on the response of the recently infarcted rat heart to hypothermic cardioplegia. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 5: 82-93.
  • O'Halloran K (1986) Xanthine metabolism and oxygen toxicity in the mouse lung. Honours thesis, Department of Pharmacology, University of Western Australia.

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