The sensitivity of the test species to
individual chemicals is compared to published values for other native
and overseas species and ranked to determine the relative sensitivity
and for numeric guideline derivation (Figures 1 & 2 below).
The sensitivity of the test species
are also compared to a benchmark species (e.g. rainbow trout). Acute
guidelines are derived for short-term exposures (e.g. stormwater
run-off events) while chronic guidelines are suitable for protection
from adverse effects associated with long-term exposures.
A wide range in sensitivity is
commonly found between species (e.g. a range of approximately 1,000 times
for copper � Figure 1), indicating
considerable scope for the development of site-specific guidelines.
Site-specific guidelines incorporate specific species selection and
factors which might adjust the bioavailability of contaminants. Schemes
for site-specific adjustment are included in the revised ANZECC water
quality guidelines (ANZECC
The test results were standardised to
a total hardness of 30 mg L-1 CaCO3 and showed a
range of sensitivities (Figure 1). For the acute
tests, there was a 66-fold range of sensitivity between the test
species. The cladocera were the most sensitive (48h LC50 =
6.12 m g L-1), and the bullies the
least sensitive (96h LC50 = 404 m
g L-1).
Results from published values for
rainbow trout and the native mayflies (Deleatidium spp) were also
included in the rankings. Cladocera were approximately 7.5 times more
sensitive than rainbow trout and are one of the most sensitive species
in the ranking (30%ile). Bullies were approximately 9 times less
sensitive than rainbow trout, and the amphipods had a similar
sensitivity to rainbow trout (48h LC50 = 47 m
g L-1).
The chronic test results showed that
cladocera were again the most sensitive species tested (7d reproduction
EC50 = 3.1 m g L-1),
but inanga were the least sensitive (21d survival LC50 = 27.1
m g L-1).
Both fish species were in the upper
50%ile of the acute and chronic datasets, indicating a relatively low
susceptibility to copper exposure. The greater sensitivity of rainbow
trout indicates that trout would provide a useful surrogate for
protection of the native species. Amphipods and cladocerans were in the
lower 30%ile indicating high sensitivity and the potential for these
species to provide sensitive indicators for ecosystem protection.
The acute guideline is from US EPA
(1996) and the chronic guideline from ANZECC
Chromium VI
For the acute tests, the test species
showed a 2,400-fold range of sensitivity to chromium (Figure
2). Cladocera were the most sensitive test species (48h LC50
= 41 m g L-1), and was in the most
sensitive 10% of species used in the ranking. Bullies were the least
sensitive test species (96h LC50 > 100,000 m
g L-1). The invertebrates (cladocera and amphipods) showed a
much greater sensitivity than the fish species (inanga and bullies).
Similarly the chronic test results showed that cladocera and amphipods
were much more sensitive than the fish species (inanga and bullies), and
cladocera reproduction was within the most sensitive 15% of the species
used in the ranking.
The marked difference between fish and
invertebrate species sensitivities indicates that site-specific
guidelines could consider the different exposure risks to these groups.
The acute guideline is from USEPA
(1996) and the chronic guideline from ANZECC
Arsenic V
No guideline derivations have been
undertaken to provide acute and chronic datasets for comparison of the
relative sensitivity of species to arsenic V. Cladocerans and amphipods
were markedly more sensitive than fish species. Sensitivity ranged 69X
for acute exposures and 288X for chronic exposures (see the summary data
tables for freshwater
invertebrates and freshwater