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Description of Models

Ecotoxicity testing protocols 

Ecotoxicity results

Contaminant mobility

Soil property data




Toxicity databases

RA methodologies

Document resources


Problem Identification

Receptor Characterisation

Exposure Assessment

Toxicity Assessment

Risk Characterisation


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: MINTEQA2 is a geochemical equilibrium speciation model for dilute aqueous systems. The model is an update of MINTEQ, which was developed by combining the fundamental mathematical structure of MINEQL with the well-developed thermodynamic database of WATEQ3. Because of MINTEQA2's public domain status, extensive feedback has been received from users on needed corrections and enhancements.

This model was last updated and released by EPA's Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) in 1991, and is in need of updating.

Available from: Model can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.epa.gov/ceampubl/minteq.htm 

Title: PELMO

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: PELMO (Pesticide Leaching Model) was developed to estimate the leaching potential of pesticides through distinct soil horizons based on an extended cascade model. Processes include estimating of soil temperatures, pesticide degradation, sorption, volatilization, and estimating of potential evapotranspiration by using Haude equation. The model is an enhancement of the 1984 version of PRZM. Applications to date have mostly involved pesticide leaching scenarios on German soils.

PELMO is based on PRZM-Model, but more processes are included because of significant limitations in PRZM. Similar to PRZM, PELMO has two major components: hydrology and chemical transport. While the hydrology component for calculating runoff and erosion is based on the USDA Soil Conservation Curve Number technique and the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (same as PRZM), the calculation of evapotranspiration is estimated by using the Haude equation or by direct input of the potential evapotranspiration. PELMO calculates depth dependent temperature in soil by using daily air temperatures.

Available from: For more information on PELMO refer to http://dino.wiz.uni-kassel.de/model_db/mdb/pelmo.html

Title: PRZM-2 (Pesticide Root Zone Model)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: The Pesticide Root Zone Model (PRZM-3) is a one-dimensional, dynamic, compartmental model that can be used to simulate chemical movement in unsaturated soil systems within and immediately below the plant root zone. It has two major components - hydrology (and hydraulics) and chemical transport.

The model was specifically designed to provide loadings to selected media, including air, water, groundwater and plants. PRZM 3 is a daily-time-step agricultural field simulation model. Outputs include pesticide leaching depth, runoff volume, eroded sediment mass, pesticide movement with eroded sediment and runoff, and pesticide volatilization. Processes modeled include, water movement through the soil profile, crop uptake, vapor phase transport, and irrigation. Two pesticide degradates can be modelled along with the parent. PRZM 3 has incorporated the VADOFT program which estimates chemical movement through the vadose zone below the surface soil. A Monte Carlo shell is also included. The model is currently being used to estimate the pesticide runoff to surface waters through various routes.

Available from: For more information on PRZM-3 refer to http://www.scisoftware.com/products/przm2_details/przm2_details.html 

Note that the hyperlink actually takes you to the PELMO site and not scissor software. The site as written is correct even though it is PRZM3 now and not PRM2.

Title: TRIMS v 3.0 (Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: The Navy's Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excellence offers free risk management software (Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation System - TRIMS) as part of its Program Manager's WorkStation (PMWS).

This tool primarily focuses on risk management in systems engineering.

Available from: Visit the Center's web site at www.bmpcoe.org for more information.


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: The National Safety Council has available for both Windows and Macintosh platforms an emergency management and risk assessment software called CAMEO. The CAMEO suite includes: 

  • a safety and emergency response database on over 4,700 chemicals and databases to track chemical inventories and to prepare emergency plans for facilities and chemicals in transit, 

  • an emergency air dispersion model, ALOHA, to estimate the end points of toxic plumes, and 

  • a mapping application to analyze data spatially and to assess risk to vulnerable populations. (Note: ALOHA is approved by EPA for RMP off-site consequence analysis and is sold separately.)

Available from: http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/cameo/cameo.html

For more information, contact National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143-3201, telephone (800) 621-7619,


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Lumina Decision Systems, Inc., of Los Altos, California, is a computer software and services company that develops and markets software for modelling and decision support, such as AnalyticaTM, which is a visual modelling tool incorporating hierarchical influence diagrams for building and managing complex risk models. In addition to information about the company itself, sources of information, both on and off the Web, are listed for categories such as management software, risk and insurance, medical decision making, and decision sciences.

Available from: http://www.lumina.com/software/aboutanalytica.html 

Title: TOOLBOX (Human health Risk assessment Toolbox)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: This site provides a free download of Excel and BASIC models found useful in the estimation of human exposure to chemicals from the airborne and dermal routes.

Available from: Contact Mike Jayjock, Rohm and Haas Company, Research Laboratory, 727 Norristown Road, Spring House, PA 19477, telephone (215) 641-7480, fax (215) 619-1621 http://members.aol.com/MJayjock/

Title: MEPAS (Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: The Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System MEPAS considers chronic exposures and human health risks resulting from environmental emissions. Physics-based models of contaminant processes in the air, soil, groundwater, and surface water are integrated in a system that considers both chemical and radioactive potential impacts.

The Multimedia Model Environmental Database and Editor MMEDE provides a database of radioactive and toxic constituent properties and parameter estimation routines.

Available from: Further information related to MEPAS AND MMEDE software can be found at http://mepas.pnl.gov:2080/mmed.htm

Title: PREScore

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: EPA's Superfund Program developed the PREscore software to assist with site investigations and Hazard Ranking System (HRS) scoring. The Hazard Ranking System (HRS) is the scoring system used by EPA's Superfund program to assess the relative threat associated with actual or potential releases of hazardous substances.

The HRS may be useful in site characterisation/ranking, in that it uses a structured analysis approach to scoring sites. This approach assigns numerical values to factors that relate to risk based on conditions at the site. The factors are grouped into three categories:

  • likelihood that a site has released or has the potential to release hazardous substances into the environment;
  • characteristics of the waste (e.g. toxicity and waste quantity); and
  • people or sensitive environments (targets) affected by the release.

Four pathways can be scored under the HRS:

  • ground water migration (drinking water);
  • surface water migration (drinking water, human food chain, sensitive environments);
  • soil exposure (resident population, nearby population, sensitive environments); and
  • air migration (population, sensitive environments).

After scores are calculated for one or more pathways, they are combined using a root-mean-square equation to determine the overall site score.

Available from: For further information refer to http://www.epa.gov/superfund/resources/prescore/index.htm

PREscore 5.0 (Beta Version 2.0) is available for beta-testing, and can be downloaded at http://www.epa.gov/superfund/resources/prescore/prescr50.htm

Title: GroundwaterFX (DecisionFX)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: GroundwaterFX is a decision support system intended to assist site investigators determine the nature and extent of groundwater contamination. It also supports monitor well network design and performance evaluations of remedial actions in groundwater. Key attributes of the tool include the ability to:

  • quantify uncertainties in the nature and extent of groundwater contamination;
  • quantify uncertainties relative to remedial actions (e.g., pump and treat performance);
  • provide objective recommendations on the number and location of monitor wells to delineate a plume;
  • provide visual feedback to a user on the nature of the contamination (e.g., concentration distribution, probability distribution of exceeding a drinking water standard); and
  • provide statistical information about the plume (e.g., average volume of contamination, standard deviation, etc.).

Available from: For further information on DecisionFX software refer http://www.decisionfx.com/

Title: SampleFX (DecisionFX)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: SamplingFX is a decision support system intended to provide site investigators a means of evaluating environmental information relative to the nature and extent of contamination in surface and subsurface soils. Key attributes of the tool include the ability to:

  • quantify uncertainties in the nature and extent of soil contamination;
  • provide objective recommendations on the number and location of sampling points to delineate the contamination;
  • provide visual feedback to a user on the nature and extent of the contamination (e.g., concentration distribution, probability distribution of exceeding a soil guideline); and
  • provide statistical information about the plume (e.g., average volume of contamination, standard deviation, etc.).

Available from: For further information on DecisionFX software refer http://www.decisionfx.com/

Title: Environmental Visualization System

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Environmental Visualization System (EVS) software, developed by C Tech, runs on Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation. EVS is developed for geologists, geochemists, engineers and modelers who require tools to visualise environmental conditions.

EVS's graphical user interface is integrated with modular analysis and graphics routines. These can be customised and combined to satisfy the analysis and visualization needs of any application. The software developer maintains that EVS's tools will reduce site assessment costs and enhance the capability to analyse and present data for assessments, remediation planning, litigation support, regulatory reporting, and public relations. Options include PRO version with animation creation and advanced features; classroom and on-site training; and ground water and solute transport modelling.

Available from: For further information on EVS software refer http://www.ctech.com/

Title: ARCINFO/ArcView GIS

Author: Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping and analysis, which integrates common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualisation and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps.

Physical and environmental databases are currently maintained by many regional and territorial authorities in New Zealand using ARCINFO or ArcView GIS software systems.

As part of the Visualization end point for the Environmental Technology Verification Program, ESRI software will demonstrate database connectivity, geographic display and mapping functionality, and model interfaces, which are vital tools to site characterisation, risk assessment, and groundwater remediation. These tools will also provide the inputs for 3-D modelling of contaminant plumes, and the decision support criteria for placement of injection/extraction wells.

Available from: For further information on ARCINFO/ArcView GIS refer http://www.esri.com/

Title: SADA � Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance

Author: University of Tennessee Research Corp

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA) is a Windows 95 environmental software package. It incorporates tools from various fields including visualisation, geospatial analyses, statistical analysis, human health risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis, sampling design, and decision analysis into an interactive environment. Each of these modules can be used independently or in an integrated fashion to address site-specific concerns in the characterization and remedial action design.

SADA was designed to simplify and streamline several of the processes in environmental characterisation and to bring the information together to help site investigators make decisions about site management options. SADA however, is particularly useful to display and manipulate site data within a spatial framework.

The developers of SADA propose to integrate ecological and human risk assessment within one software platform. It is proposed that SADA will be supported by an accompanying database of ecotoxicological information concerning species, life history parameters, chemical toxicity, and bio-accumulation.

The developers proposed to provide site investigators with more current and more advanced methods for assessing risk than those commonly applied. A multi-modelling approach will be developed to provide some traditional modelling tools (such as aggregated and matrix models). However, the developers main objective is the introduction of individual - based, physiologically structured population and community models (IBMs) into assessment technology.

IBMs are being developed to provide a bridge between exposure and effects on individual organism models and its extrapolation to population and community level effects.

Available from: For further information on SADA software refer http://www.sis.utk.edu/cis/sada/decision_analysis.html

A full working version (2.0) is available at http://www.sis.utk.edu/cis/sada/download.html

Title: HSSM - The Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: The Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model (HSSM) simulates the subsurface flow of a lighter-than-water, nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) and its associated aquifer contamination. The most common example is a petroleum fuel such as gasoline or diesel that has been released from a leaking underground storage tank. When the fuel reaches the water table, it may form a lens or smear zone. Through the fuel's contact with the aquifer, ground water contamination can result.

Chemical components of the fuel (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, methyl tert-butyl ether) dissolve into the ground water according to their solubilities and the hydrology of the system. The contaminants then can be transported in the aquifer to receptor wells. One of the most important reasons for inclusion of the LNAPL or fuel phase in simulating aquifer contamination is that the chemical contaminants are released slowly from the fuel phase. Accurate estimation of the loading to the aquifer requires the simulation of contaminant dissolution from the fuel.

HSSM simulates contamination associated with these fuels by using three simplified modules that represent the vadose zone, the fuel lens within the capillary fringe, and the aquifer. Each module was developed from a semi-analytical solution of the governing equations. The simplified solutions reduce the extensive computational burden of a fully numeric approach. Lack of availability of field data often limits usage of complex models, and HSSM attempts to include the important phenomena at a reasonable data and computational cost.

The three modules of HSSM are linked in a windows interface that allows for interactive input of data, running of the models, and automated graphing of the model output. A two volume user's guide provides specific instruction for running the model, guidance on selecting input parameter values and interpreting the model output, in addition to the theoretical background of the model. Example applications to field data problems are available from Internet links given on the HSSM distribution page.

Available from: USEPA Centre for Exposure Assessment Modelling (CEAM). US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400


Title: ChemScreen

Author: Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center(?).

Model Type: Microsoft Windows� based program, compatible with Windows 3.1/95 (developed in Microsoft Access�.

Scope of Model: ChemScreen Risk Assessment Software is based on the US Environmental Protection Agency's RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance document, dated 24 May 1996. The objective of the program is to provide the user with an initial assessment of offsite consequences resulting from the worst-case release of 40 CFR Part 68 specified chemicals.

Available from: http://process-safety.tamu.edu/Software/ChemScreen.htm 

Title: RAMAS Ecotoxicology

Model Type: Population and Ecosystem-level Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment Software

Scope of Model: RAMAS Ecotoxicology is used to make population-level ecological risk assessments for environmental contaminants. It imports data from standard laboratory bioassays, incorporates these data into the parameters of a population model, and performs a risk assessment by analysing population-level differences between control and impacted samples.

RAMAS Ecotoxicology was developed by Applied Biomathematics with support from the Electric Power Research Institute.

Assessment: Review


Model Type: Contaminant fate and transport modelling software

Scope of Model: Contaminant fate and transport model for ground water.

Available from: http://www.groundwatermodels.com/  Environmental Simulations Limited, Acorn Villa, Oak Street, Shrewsbury SY3 7RQ, UK. Tel: (+44 1743) 369 504

Or : http://www.scisoftware.com/products/wintran_overview/wintran_overview.html Scientific Software Group P.O. Box 23041 Washington, DC 20026-3041
Phone (703) 620-9214 Fax (703) 620-6793

Title: WASP

Model Type: Contaminant modelling software

Scope of Model: Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program models contaminant fate and transport in surface waters

Available from: US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400 or Scientific Software Group P.O. Box 23041 Washington, DC 20026-3041 Phone (703) 620-9214 Fax (703) 620-6793

http://www.scisoftware.com/products/wasp_overview/wasp_overview.html or




Model Type: Contaminant Modelling Software

Scope of Model: Groundwater Contaminant Model

Available from: Dames and Moore, Booth House, 15-17 Church Street, Twickenham TW1 3NJ, UK. Tel: (+44 181) 891 6161


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Calculates water column and stream bed toxic substance concentrations resulting from point source discharges into streams and rivers.

Available from: US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400


Model Type: Dispersion modelling software

Scope of Model: Dispersion model for pollution into rivers and estuaries.

Available from: AEA Technology, 329 Harwell, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0RA, UK. Tel: (+44 1235) 821111


Model Type: Dilution/dispersion software

Scope of Model: Dilution/dispersion model for pollution plumes in marine and fresh water

Available from: US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Model which estimates the free hydrocarbon volume in a soil and computes the volume of residual oil in the saturated and unsaturated zones.

Available from: Scientific Software Group, PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214. www.scisoftware.com

Title: MULTIMED (Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model)

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Undertakes an exposure assessment and simulates the transport, movement and transformation of contaminants leaching from a waste disposal facility. The model consists of a number of modules which predict concentrations at a receptor due to transport in the subsurface, surface air, or air.

To enhance the user-friendly nature of the model, separate interactive pre- (PREMED) and post-processing (POSTMED) programs allow the user to create and edit input and plot model outputs. However, these models have been largely replaced by spreadsheet based models running under Windows95.

Available from: Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model MULTIMED, is available from USEPA Centre for Exposure Assessment Modelling (CEAM). US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400

This model can be downloaded from EPA's Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM). http://www.epa.gov/ceampubl/softwdos.htm

Title: MS-VMS

Author: HydroGeoLogic, Inc.

Model Type: Groundwater modelling software.

Scope of Model: Groundwater flow and contaminant transport model.

Available from: Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214). www.scisoftware.com

Title: MOFAT

Model Type: Contaminant transport software

Scope of Model: Multiphase (water, oil, gas) flow and multi-component transport model.

Available from: Scientific Software Group, PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214. www.scisoftware.com


Author: HydroGeoLogic Inc.

Model Type: Groundwater modelling software

Scope of Model: Groundwater flow and contaminant transport model.

Available from: Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214). www.scisoftware.com

Title: Groundwater Vistas

Model Type: GW modelling software

Scope of Model: A comprehensive modelling system incorporating many popular flow models such as MODFLOW, MODPATH, PATH3D, MT3D, MODFLOW-SURFACT and others.

MT3D and MT3D96 simulate the migration of a contaminant plume in groundwater. They are easy to use 3-D unsaturated/saturated contaminant transport models.

VisualMODFLOW, and Modpath may be applicable where the scope of the ERA (and sufficient data exists) to undertake numerical modelling rather than analytical or semi-analytical solutions.

Available from: Environmental Simulations Ltd, Acorn Villa, Oak Street, Shrewsbury SY3 7RQ, UK. Tel: (+44 1743) 369 504 http://www.groundwatermodels.com/ 

Title: GMS 3.1

Model Type: GW modelling software

Scope of Model: Groundwater flow and contaminant modelling system.

Available from: US Department of Defence (Available through Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214. www.scisoftware.com)


Model Type: Groundwater flow software

Scope of Model: Cross-sectional groundwater flow and contaminant transport model.

Available from: Waterloo Hydrogeologic Software (Available through Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214. www.scisoftware.com)


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: : Food Activity from Radionuclide Movement on LAND (FARMLAND) Simulates radionuclide transfer through the food chain (accidental release).

Available from: CERC

Title: EXAMS 2.98.01 (Exposure Analysis Modeling System)

Model Type: Exposure simulation software

Scope of Model: Exposure simulation model looking at effect of a chemical on a ecosystem, concentrations, fate and transport. EXAMS simulates an aquatic ecosystem, tracing the path and behaviour of a toxic pollutant. It has a database of toxic substances and a command-driven interface, which allows for the definition of new substances and for modification of the ecosystem definition. Each water body may be modeled by using up to 32 different segments, for each of which up to 28 different substances may be simulated. The basic phenomena taken into consideration are accumulation, chemical and biological transformation, and transport. Environmental conditions may be constant (in the short or the long term) or varying monthly. It may be use to conduct rapid evaluations and error analyses of the probable aquatic fate of synthetic organic chemicals.

EXAMS combines chemical loadings, transport, and transformation into a set of differential equations using the law of conservation of mass as an accounting principle. It accounts for all the chemical mass entering and leaving a system as the algebraic sum of external loadings, transport processes that export the compound from the system, and transformation processes within the system that convert the chemical to daughter products. The program produces output tables and simple graphics describing chemical exposure, fate, and persistence.

EXAMS (v2.98.01) combines properties of synthetic organic chemicals and aquatic ecosystems to characterize the ecotoxicology, persistence, and mobility of pesticides and industrial materials in surface water. This model has been used for over 12 years and the feedback has been positive.

Available from: US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400 

The program is available from the Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) U.S. EPA. http://www.epa.gov/ceampubl/examsmap.htm 


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Surface water model which estimates concentrations of toxic substances.

Available from: US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400

Title: ChemPath

Model Type: Contaminant transport software

Scope of Model: Contaminant transport model for ground water.

Available from: BASELINE Concept Inc. (Available through Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214.) http://www.scisoftware.com/products/chempath_details/chempath_details.html

Title: AQUA3D

Model Type: Contaminant transport software

Scope of Model: Groundwater flow and contaminant transport model.

Available from: Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214) www.scisoftware.com

Title: AQMS

Model Type: Air Quality Management System software

Scope of Model: Air Quality Management System - contaminant dispersion in air.

Available from: Ashdown Environmental, The Oast House, Hodore, Upper Hartfield, East Sussex TN7 4AR, UK. Tel: (+44 1892) 770 881


Model Type: Soil venting software

Scope of Model: Multi-component soil vapour extraction model.

Available from: Waterloo Hydrogeologic Software (Available through Scientific Software Group - PO Box 23041, Washington DC 20026-3041, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214. www.scisoftware.com)


Model Type: Risk assessment/management software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment/management - accidental air pollution, toxic water spills, etc.

Available from: Environmental Software and Services, GmbH, AUSTRIA,
PO Box 100, A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen Tel: +43225263305 Fax: +432252633059


Model Type: Risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment and management.

Available from: VROM, PO Box 20951, 2500 The Hague, Netherlands. Tel (+31 70) 339 3939

Title: UST

Model Type: Risk assessment/management software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment/management ranking system for underground storage tanks.

Available from: Casana et al.

Title: ToxScreen

Model Type: Risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Model for assessment of risk of pollution/harm to air, water, and soil.

Available from: US EPA, 960 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia, USA. Tel: (+1 706) 355 8400

Title: Simplebox

Model Type: Dispersion, risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Dispersion, risk assessment.

Assessment: Review

Available from: RIVM, Postbox 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven, Netherlands. Tel: (+3130) 274 9111

Title: SARAH

Model Type: Risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment, accidental release of hazardous material into the atmosphere.

Available from: AEA Technology, 329 Harwell, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0RA, UK. Tel: (+44 1235) 821111


Model Type: Risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment, discharge, consequence and risk modelling.

Available from: DNV Technica, Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London SE1 9 DE, UK. Tel: (+44 171) 3576080


Model Type: Risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment software for accidental release of toxic, flammable or explosive material.

Available from: VTT, Manufacturing Technology, PO Box 1700, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland. Tel: (+358 0) 4561


Model Type: Environmental impact software

Scope of Model: Software which predicts the impacts of environmental releases.

Available from: Environmental Software Online, LLC, 520 Chicopee Row, Groton, MA 01450 USA, Tel: (978) 448-5818 , Fax: (978) 448-6280 http://www.groundwatersoftware.com/software/soilclean/riskpro/riskpro.htm 

Title: Riskplot II

Model Type: Risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment software for human and environmental risks from acute releases of hazards at industrial installations.

Available from: ERM, 8 Cavendish Square, London W1M OER, UK. Tel: (+44 171) 465 7200


Model Type: Human health risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Tool to quantify risks to people living in the vicinity of major hazard sites.

Available from: UK HSE, Baynards House, 1 Chepstow House, Westbourne Grove, London W2 4TF, UK. Tel: (+44 171) 243 6000


Model Type: Ecological risk assessment software

Scope of Model: Ecological risk assessment using effect models linked to ecological and ecotoxicological databases.

Available from: Source:TNO, Laan van Westenenk 501, PO Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Tel: (+31 15) 269 6969

Title: OLF#1

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Environmental risk caused by acute spills - acceptance criteria.

Available from: OLF

Title: OHRA

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Offshore hazard and risk analysis.

Available from: DNV Technica, Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London SE1 9DE, UK. Tel: (+44 171) 357 6080


Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Calculates radiological risks from groundwater pathways.

Available from: Nirex, Allerdale Court, Greengarth Hall, Holmrook, Cumbria. CA19 1UL, UK. Tel: (+44 1235) 825 518

Title: IIASA

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Impact, ecological and technological risk assessment and hazardous substance management.

Available from: IIASA


Model Type: Ecological Risk Assessment Software

Scope of Model: Ecological risk assessment - probability of a species affected at a given PEC.

Available from: TNO, Laan van Westenenk 501, PO Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn, Netherlands. Tel: (+31 15) 269 6969

Title: ETX

Model Type: Software.

Scope of Model: Risk assessment - calculation of percentage of unprotected species at a given exposure.

Available from: RIVM, Postbox 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven, Netherlands, Tel: (+31 30) 274 9111


Model Type: Software.

Scope of Model: Methodology using environmental indices to rank risk potential.

Available from: Debeil-Myren

Title: DRANC

Model Type: Risk Assessment Software.

Scope of Model: Risk assessment for new chemicals (human, ecological).

Available from: RIVM, Postbox 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven, Netherlands, Tel: (+31 30) 274 9111

Title: DOE#1

Model Type: Software

Scope of Model: Risk assessment and risk management methodology.

Available from: UK Department of the Environment

Title: SAW

Author: Danish Hydraulic Institute Tel. 0045 4576 9555

Model Type: Hazard identification/release assessment model

Scope of Model: Spill Analysis Work � model for simulation of oil spills and spills of dangerous chemicals into the aquatic environment.


Model Type: DSS Software.

Scope of Model: Database and calculation tool to assess the environmental impact of industrial releases.

Available from: WRc and Intere - WRc, Henley Road, Medmenhem, Marlow, Bucks. SL7 2HD, UK. Tel: (+44 1491) 571 531


Model Type: Risk Assessment Software.

Scope of Model: Transport risk assessment tool for chemicals. Assess risks to humans and the environment.

Available from: Arthur D. Little Ltd, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1X 6EY, UK. Tel: (+44 171) 409 2277

Title: 3DTIM

Model Type: Software.

Scope of Model: Tool for evaluating the effect of different releases.

Available from: VTT, Manufacturing Technology, PO Box 1700, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland. Tel: (+358 0) 4561


Author: Argonne Laboratory.

Model Type: Software � Family of computer codes.

Scope of Model: Series of computer codes to assess environmental and human health risks at sites contaminated with radioactive materials and hazardous chemicals.

Has a RESRAD Ecorisk component model.

Title: @Risk 4.0

Author: Palisade Corporation

Publisher: Palisade Corporation, 31 Decker Road, Newfield, NY 14867, USA. Tel: (+1 607) 277 8000

Model Type: Quantitative risk analysis software.

Scope of Model: @Risk is a quantitative risk analysis software developed by Palisade Corporation. It is Excel based and user friendly, and is useful for quantitative and uncertainty assessment in ERA. It allows probabilistic analysis.SUM3 The Sensitivity Uncertainty Multimedia Modeling Module allows the user to conduct sensitivity and uncertainty analyses for cases defined in MEPAS model described above.

Assessment: Preliminary assessment only. Useful for quantitative and uncertainty assessment in ERA.

Available from: http://www.palisade-europe.com/ 

Title: EMSOFT: Exposure Model for Soil-Organic Fate and Transport

Model Type: Software: Exposure Model for Soil-Organic Fate and Transport

Scope of Model: A screening model that primarily ranks the relative volatilization potential of different organic chemicals. The EMSOFT Model is largely based on the work and theories developed by William A. Jury. It characterises volatilisation of organic chemicals from contaminated soils to the atmosphere, a significant human exposure pathway (USEPA, 1997).

Volatilization of organic chemicals from contaminated soils to the atmosphere and subsequent inhalation represents a potentially significant human exposure pathway. The manual (USEPA, 1997), describes a screening model that may be used to assess the potential for such exposure to occur and quantify the mass flux of contaminants to the atmosphere over time. Mass fluxes can then be input to an atmospheric dispersion model to calculate exposure concentrations.

Ingestion of contaminated soil and dermal contact are also potentially important exposure pathways. The EMSOFT model can also be used to calculate chemical concentrations in surficial soil layers over time for assessment of these exposures. The model addresses situations in which contaminated soils are located at the surface and buried beneath a clean soil cover.

Assessment: Likely to be more useful in human health risk assessment.

Available from: USEPA National Center for Environmental Assessment http://www.epa.gov/ncea/emsoft.htm 

Title: RiskEZ

Author: Pinyon Software

Model Type: Risk Assessment DSS Software program for Windows.

Scope of Model: Designed to simplify and speed up the risk assessment process, and ensure more accurate risk assessment results. RiskEZ ships with all the information needed to complete a risk assessment. RiskEZ contains standard EPA exposure equations, default parameter values, and toxicity information from EPA�s IRIS and HEAST databases. RiskEZ can import toxicity data from IRIS updates. RiskEZ�s resources include:

  • Chemical table containing over 3,500 chemicals and 15,000 synonyms.
  • Toxicity values for hundreds of chemicals taken from EPA�s IRIS and HEAST databases as well as from Cal\EPA.
  • Default EPA exposure equations defined for nine populations.
  • EPA risk equations and RBC (risk-based concentrations) equations.
  • Default EPA values and equations for over 70 parameters.
  • Twenty-seven predefined exposure pathways.

Exposure concentrations may be stored in almost any format, including Excel, Lotus 123, Quattro Pro, Paradox, dBase, and ASCII text files and updated as new site information becomes available during the risk assessment process.

Pinyon Software believe that RiskEZ is environmental software that dramatically improves the speed and quality of assessing and remediating contaminated sites.

Available from: Fully functional trial version can be downloaded at http://www.pinyonsoftware.com/ For further information contact info@pinyonsoftware.com


Author: California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Human and Ecological Risk Division (?).

Model Type: Excel spreadsheet model to estimate blood lead concentrations.

Scope of Model: LeadSpread is a tool that can be used to estimate blood lead concentrations resulting from exposure to lead via dietary intake, drinking water, soil and dust ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact. Each of these pathways is represented by an equation relating incremental blood lead increase to a concentration in an environmental medium, using contact rates and empirically determined ratios. The contributions via the five pathways are added to arrive at an estimate of median blood lead concentration resulting from the multi-pathway exposure. Ninetieth , ninety-fifth, ninety-eighth, and ninety-ninth percentile concentrations are estimated from the median by assuming a log-normal distribution with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 1.6.

Available from: http://www.cwo.com/~herd1/herd.htm

Title: CalTOX

Author: California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Human and Ecological Risk Division.

Date of Publication: December, 1993.

Publisher: Department of Toxic Substances Control, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California.

Model Type: A Multimedia Total Exposure Model for Hazardous Waste Sites.

Scope of Model: Excel spreadsheet based software which aid in assessing risk posed by some hazardous materials in the environment.

Multimedia exposure assessment tool simulates leaching of contaminants from a waste disposal facility.

Predicts concentrations at receptor.

Assessment: Preliminary assessment. Review

Available From: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/docs/sppt/herd/caltox.html 

Title: API-DSS (American Petroleum Institute�s (API) Exposure and Risk Assessment Decision Support System (DSS) Version 1.0):

Author: American Petroleum Institute (API)

Model Type: Exposure and Risk Assessment Decision Support System Software

Scope of Model: Estimates human exposure and risk from sites contaminated with petroleum products.

The DSS estimates site-specific risks at sites contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and other contaminants, thereby:

  1. identifying the need for site remediation,
  2. developing site-specific cleanup levels, and
  3. assessing the effect of various remedial alternatives on the level of long-term human health risk at the site.

Assessment: Component model applicable to BTEX contaminated sites. Review

Available from: American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L Street, Northwest, Washington DC 0005-4070, USA. Tel: (+1 703) 620 9214


Title: RBCA (Risk based Corrective Action) 1.3a

Author: Groundwater Services Inc.

Date of Publication: 1995

Model Type: Excel spreadsheet model to model contaminant transport and charaterise human health risk.

Scope of Model: The RBCA process represents a streamlined approach for assessment and response to subsurface contamination associated with hydrocarbon releases. RBCA integrates EPA risk assessment practices with traditional site investigation and remedy selection activities in order to determine cost-effective measures for protection of human health and environmental resources.

State-specific RBCA based models being developed in US.

Assessment: Useful, human health and ecological risk assessment model.  Review

Available from: Groundwater Services, Inc., http://www.gsi-net.com/ 

Title: EcoFATE

Model Type: Environmental risk assessment software package for Microsoft Windows

Scope of Model: Ecosystem based environmental and ecological risk assessments of chemicals emissions by point and non-point sources in freshwater and marine aquatic ecosystems, including lakes, rivers and marine inlets.

Used to assess the cumulative impact of chemical inputs in terms of contaminant concentrations in water, sediment and biota of an entire ecosystem and to interpret these concentrations in terms of exceedance of environmental criteria and standards, potential for toxic effects in biota of the ecosystem and risks to human beings exposed to contaminated fish products or contaminated water

Consists of a combination of an environmental fate, food-web bioaccumulation, toxicological hazard, and human health risk assessment model, which are integrated to directly relate chemical emissions to concentrations, toxic effects and human health risks. Each of the models is based on best available knowledge of the mechanisms of chemical distribution, toxicity and risk. The assessments can be done on a time-dependent and time-independent (i.e. steady-state) basis

DSS used to investigate whether existing or planned chemical emissions can be expected to pose an ecological or human health risk, meet environmental quality standards or criteria and to identify the "assimilative capacity" of ecosystems for chemical substances in terms of maximum daily loadings

Assessment: Useful, comprehensive model. Not validated. Review

Available From: http://www.rem.sfu.ca/ecofate/ecofate.html 

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